Prayer Line for Vaginismus, Infertility, and Pelvic Pain

You may know me as Vagina Rehab Doctor, but before this platform on Instagram grew- I would go around preaching about our value in Christ, how audacious faith can move mountains in our lives and simply ways to believe God for all the things He has promised!

Once I started growing Vagina Rehab Doctor, it became so difficult to continue preaching and trying to build a business. For the past 3-4 years, it's been less preaching and teaching of the Bible. I knew it was necessary to focus in on my craft & building this community of women, people, and advocates for all things pelvic & sexual health.

But...I miss encouraging other women through the word of God and I really want to get back into it in some way.

So, I'm following through on my promise to God and seeing who would be interested in a Hybrid Bible Study for Sex Positivity and a Prayer line for pelvic healing! This will be a zoom room likely offered 1x/month.

Please drop your first name and email address below if interested in joining!